Priority Queue
Priority Queue is an extension of queue with following properties.
1) Every item has a priority associated with it.
2) An element with high priority is dequeued before an element with low priority.
3) If two elements have the same priority, they are served according to their order in the queue.
1) Every item has a priority associated with it.
2) An element with high priority is dequeued before an element with low priority.
3) If two elements have the same priority, they are served according to their order in the queue.
A typical priority queue supports following operations.
insert(item, priority): Inserts an item with given priority.
getHighestPriority(): Returns the highest priority item.
deleteHighestPriority(): Removes the highest priority item.
insert(item, priority): Inserts an item with given priority.
getHighestPriority(): Returns the highest priority item.
deleteHighestPriority(): Removes the highest priority item.
How to implement priority queue?
Using Array: A simple implementation is to use array of following structure.
Using Array: A simple implementation is to use array of following structure.
struct item {
int item;
int priority;
insert() operation can be implemented by adding an item at end of array in O(1) time.
getHighestPriority() operation can be implemented by linearly searching the highest priority item in array. This operation takes O(n) time.
deleteHighestPriority() operation can be implemented by first linearly searching an item, then removing the item by moving all subsequent items one position back.
We can also use Linked List, time complexity of all operations with linked list remains same as array. The advantage with linked list is deleteHighestPriority() can be more efficient as we don’t have to move items.
Using Heaps:
Heap is generally preferred for priority queue implementation because heaps provide better performance compared arrays or linked list. In a Binary Heap, getHighestPriority() can be implemented in O(1) time, insert() can be implemented in O(Logn) time and deleteHighestPriority() can also be implemented in O(Logn) time.
With Fibonacci heap, insert() and getHighestPriority() can be implemented in O(1) amortized time and deleteHighestPriority() can be implemented in O(Logn) amortized time.
Heap is generally preferred for priority queue implementation because heaps provide better performance compared arrays or linked list. In a Binary Heap, getHighestPriority() can be implemented in O(1) time, insert() can be implemented in O(Logn) time and deleteHighestPriority() can also be implemented in O(Logn) time.
With Fibonacci heap, insert() and getHighestPriority() can be implemented in O(1) amortized time and deleteHighestPriority() can be implemented in O(Logn) amortized time.

Applications of Priority Queue
A Priority Queue is different from a normal queue, because instead of being a “first-in-first-out”, values come out in order by priority. It is an abstract data type that captures the idea of a container whose elements have “priorities” attached to them. An element of highest priority always appears at the front of the queue. If that element is removed, the next highest priority element advances to the front.
A priority queue is typically implemented using Heap data structure.
Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm using priority queue: When the graph is stored in the form of adjacency list or matrix, priority queue can be used to extract minimum efficiently when implementing Dijkstra’s algorithm.
Prim’s algorithm: It is used to implement Prim’s Algorithm to store keys of nodes and extract minimum key node at every step.
Data compression : It is used in Huffman codes which is used to compresses data.
Artificial Intelligence : A* Search Algorithm : The A* search algorithm finds the shortest path between two vertices of a weighted graph, trying out the most promising routes first. The priority queue (also known as the fringe) is used to keep track of unexplored routes, the one for which a lower bound on the total path length is smallest is given highest priority.
Heap Sort : Heap sort is typically implemented using Heap which is an implementation of Priority Queue.
Operating systems: It is also use in Operating System for load balancing (load balancing on server), interrupt handling.
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