Largest value in each level of Binary Tree - cook the code

Saturday 27 January 2018

Largest value in each level of Binary Tree

Largest value in each level of Binary Tree

Given a binary tree, find the largest value in each level.
Examples :
Input :
       / \
      2   3 
Output : 1 3

Input : 
       / \
      9   2
     / \   \
    3   5   7 
Output : 4 9 7
Approach : The idea is to recursively traverse tree in a pre-order fashion. Root is considered to be at zeroth level. While traversing, keep track of the level of the element and if its current level is not equal to the number of elements present in the list, update the maximum element at that level in the list.
Below is the implementation to find largest value on each level of Binary Tree.
/* Recursive function to find
the largest value on each level */
void helper(vector<int>& res, Node* root, int d)
    if (!root)
    // Expand list size
    if (d == res.size())
        // to ensure largest value
        // on level is being stored
        res[d] = max(res[d], root->val);
    // Recursively traverse left and
    // right subtrees in order to find
    // out the largest value on each level
    helper(res, root->left, d + 1);
    helper(res, root->right, d + 1);
// function to find largest values
vector<int> largestValues(Node* root)
    vector<int> res;
    helper(res, root, 0);
    return res;

Approach:  a recursive method have been discussed. In this post an iterative method has been discussed. The idea is to perform iterative level order traversal of the binary tree using queue. While traversing keep max variable which stores the maximum element of the current level of the tree being processed. When the level is completely traversed, print that max value.

void largestValueInEachLevel(Node* root)
    // if tree is empty
    if (!root)
    queue<Node*> q;
    int nc, max;
    // push root to the queue 'q'
    while (1) {
        // node count for the current level
        nc = q.size();
        // if true then all the nodes of
        // the tree have been traversed
        if (nc == 0)
        // maximum element for the current
        // level
        max = INT_MIN;
        while (nc--) {
            // get the front element from 'q'
            Node* front = q.front();
            // remove front element from 'q'
            // if true, then update 'max'
            if (max < front->data)
                max = front->data;
            // if left child exists
            if (front->left)
            // if right child exists
            if (front->right)
        // print maximum element of
        // current level
        cout << max << " ";

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